Customized Workshops

Customized learning opportunities

Our team of experienced professionals offers practical, accessible online and in-person customized workshops designed for capacity building and organizational change.

Workshops include:

Heritage Planning :

  • Researching the Legacy of Residential Schools
  • Critical Paths for Exhibit Development
  • Genealogies: Family histories, Documentation, Online Resources
  • Oral histories that make an impact on your organization
  • Archival basics, audiovisual and digital preservation
  • Critical paths for exhibit development

Education, Environmental and Health Equity

  • Strategies for Treaties and Land Claims Research
  • Health Equity – Practical guidelines for every healthcare professional
  • Traditional knowledge and land use
  • Digital Mapping Techniques
  • Decolonizing K-12 programs and Classes

Corporate and Community Growth

  • ESG and EDI policy development for the hybrid workplace
  • Emotional Intelligence for Executives and Change leaders

Let's Build Solutions Together

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